Research is partially supported by NSF CAREER DMS-2238428, NSF DMS-2113346, NSF DMS-1811315 (1949730), and NIH RF1-MH122833
Statistical Inference for Covariate-Adjusted and Interpretable Generalized
Factor Model with Application to Testing Fairness [arXiv]
Ouyang J, Cui C, Tan KM and Xu G (2024)
Exponential Family Graphical Models: Correlated Replicates and
Unmeasured Confounders, with Applications to fMRI Data [arXiv] [R package latentgraph]
Jin Y, Ning Y and Tan KM (2020)
Robust Convex Clustering: How Does Fusion Penalty Enhance Robustness? [arXiv]
Liu C, Sun Q and Tan KM (2019)
Selection Bias Correction and Effect Size Estimation Under Dependence [arXiv]
Tan KM, Simon N and Witten D (2015)
Factor Model with Application to Testing Fairness [arXiv]
Ouyang J, Cui C, Tan KM and Xu G (2024)
Exponential Family Graphical Models: Correlated Replicates and
Unmeasured Confounders, with Applications to fMRI Data [arXiv] [R package latentgraph]
Jin Y, Ning Y and Tan KM (2020)
Robust Convex Clustering: How Does Fusion Penalty Enhance Robustness? [arXiv]
Liu C, Sun Q and Tan KM (2019)
Selection Bias Correction and Effect Size Estimation Under Dependence [arXiv]
Tan KM, Simon N and Witten D (2015)
High-Dimensional Expected Shortfall Regression [arXiv][code]
Zhang S, He X, Tan KM and Zhou W-X (2025+)
Journal of the American Statistical Association, in press.
Inferring Hub Nodes on Differential Gaussian Graphical Models
Zhou X, Tan KM and Lu J (2025)
Statistica Sinica, 35(4), in press.
Estimation and Inference for Nonparametric Expected Shortfall Regression over RKHS
Yu M, Wang Y, Xie S, Tan KM and Zhou W-X (2024+)
Journal of the American Statistical Association, in press.
A Unified Algorithm for Penalized Convolution Smoothed Quantile Regression [arXiv]
Man R, Pan X, Tan KM and Zhou W-X (2024)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 33(2), 625--637.
Estimation of Complier Expected Shortfall Treatment Effects with a Binary Instrumental Variable [arXiv]
Wei B, Tan KM and He X (2024)
Journal of Econometrics, 238(2): 105572.
Retire: Robust Expectile Regression in High Dimensions [arXiv]
Man R, Tan KM, Wang Z and Zhou W-X (2024)
Journal of Econometrics, 239(2), 105459.
High-Dimensional Inference on Generalized Linear Models with Unmeasured Confounders [arXiv]
Ouyang J, Tan KM and Xu G (2023)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24, 1--61.
Robust Estimation and Inference for Expected Shortfall Regression with Many Regressors [arXiv]
He X, Tan KM and Zhou W-X (2023)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 85(4), 1223--1246.
Sparse Reduced Rank Huber Regression in High Dimensions [link] [code]
Tan KM, Sun Q and Witten D (2023)
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118(544) 2383--2393.
Smoothed Quantile Regression with Large-Scale Inference [link] [arXiv] [R package conquer]
He X, Pan X, Tan KM and Zhou W-X (2023)
Journal of Econometrics, 232(2): 367--388.
High-Dimensional Quantile Regression: Convolution Smoothing and Concave Regularization [link] [R implementation] [python implementation]
Tan KM, Wang L and Zhou W-X (2022)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 84(1): 205--233.
Communication-Constrained Distributed Quantile Regression with Optimal Statistical Guarantees [link] [code]
Tan KM, Battey H and Zhou W-X (2022)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(272): 1--61.
Scalable Estimation and Inference for Censored Quantile Regression Process [link]
He X, Pan X, Tan KM and Zhou W-X (2022)
The Annals of Statistics, 50(5): 2899--2924.
Model Linkage Selection for Cooperative Learning [link]
Zhou J, Ding J, Tan KM and Tarokh V (2021)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 22(256): 1--41.
Estimating and Inferring the Maximum Degree of Stimulus-Locked Time-Varying Brain Connectivity Networks [arXiv] [link]
Tan KM, Lu J, Zhang T and Liu. H (2021)
Biometrics, 77(2):379--390.
Transformation of Speech Sequences in Human Sensorimotor Circuits [link]
Musch K, Himberger K, Tan KM, Valiante TA and Honey CJ (2020)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(6):3203--3213.
Local Uncertainty Sampling for Large-Scale Multi-Class Logistic Regression [arXiv] [link]
Han L, Tan KM, Yang T and Zhang T (2020)
The Annals of Statistics, 48(3):1770--1788.
Propagation of Information along the Cortical Hierarchy as a Function of Attention while
Reading and Listening to Stories [link]
Regev M, Simony E, Lee K, Tan KM, Chen J and Hasson U (2019)
Cerebral Cortex, 29(10):4017--4034.
Layer-wise Learning Strategy for Nonparametric Tensor Product Smoothing Spline Regression and Graphical Models [link]
Tan KM, Lu J, Zhang T and Liu. H (2019)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(119):1--38
Sparse Generalized Eigenvalue Problem: Optimal Statistical Rates via Truncated Rayleigh Flow [link] [arXiv] [R package rifle] [errata]
Tan KM, Wang Z, Liu H and Zhang T (2018)
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 80(5):1057-1086
Graphical Nonconvex Optimization via an Adaptive Convex Relaxation [link]
Sun Q, Tan KM, Liu H and Zhang T (2018)
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 80:4817-4824, 2018 `
A Convex Formulation For High-Dimensional Sparse Sliced Inverse Regression [link] [arXiv] [code]
Tan KM, Wang Z, Zhang T, Liu H and Cook RD (2018)
Biometrika, 105(4):769-782
Replicates in High Dimensions, with Applications to Latent Variable Graphical Models [link] [R package latentgraph]
Tan KM, Ning Y, Witten D and Liu H (2016)
Biometrika, 103(4):761-777
Laplace Approximation in High-Dimensional Bayesian Regression [Springer Link] [arXiv] [code]
Barber RF, Drton M and Tan KM (2016)
Statistical Analysis for High-Dimensional Data, Volume 11 of the Series Abel Symposia, 15-36
Statistical Properties of Convex Clustering [link] [R package cvxclustr by Eric Chi]
Tan KM and Witten D (2015)
Electronic Journal of Statistics 9:2324-2327
The Cluster Graphical Lasso for Improved Estimation of Gaussian Graphical Models [link] [code]
Tan KM, Shojaie A and Witten D (2015)
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 85:23-36
The Fitness Consequences of Aneuploidy are Driven by Condition-Dependent Gene Effects
Sunshine A, Payen C, Ong G, Liachko I, Tan KM and Dunham M (2015)
PLOS Biology 13(5): e1002155
Sparse Biclustering of Transposable Data [link] [code to reproduce] [R package sparseBC]
Tan KM and Witten D (2014)
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (23)4:985-1008
Learning Graphical Models with Hubs [link] [R package hglasso]
Tan KM, London P, Mohan K, Lee S-I, Fazel M and Witten D (2014)
Journal of Machine Learning Research 15(Oct):3297-3331
Classification of RNA-seq Data [Springer Link]
Tan KM, Petersen A and Witten D (2014)
Statistical Analysis of Next Generation Sequencing Data, 219-246. Springer. Editors: Daniel Nettleton and Somnath Dan
Logarithmic Transformation Based Gamma Random Number Generators
Xi B, Tan KM and Liu C (2013)
Journal of Statistical Software 55(4)
Graphical Models for Protein Function and Structure Prediction
Tang M*, Tan KM*, Tan XL, Lee S, Chitale M, Esquivel JM and Kihara D (2013)
Biological Knowledge Discovery Handbook: Preprocessing, Mining, and Postprocessing of Biological Data. Wiley Series in Bioinformatics. Editors: M. Elloumi and A.Y. Zomaya
Metronomic Administration of Chlorambucil for Treatment of Dogs with Urinary Bladder Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Schrempp D, Childress M, Stewart J, Leach T, Tan KM, Abbo A, Gortari AD, Bonney PL and Knapp DW (2013)
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 242(11):1535-1538
Randomized Trial of Cisplatin Versus Firocoxib in Dogs with Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder
Knapp DW, Henry CJ, Widmer WR, Tan KM, Moore GE, Ramos-Vara JA, Lucroy MD, Greenberg CB, Green SN, Abbo A, Hanson PD, Alva R and Bonney PL (2013)
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 27(1):126-133
Clinical trial of Vinblastine in Dogs with Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder
Arnold EJ, Childress M, Fourez LM, Tan KM, Stewart JC, Bonney PL and Knapp DW (2011)
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 25(6):1385-1390